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See how we can help on your project

BIM Consultancy

BIM.Technologies is the UK's leading BIM consultancy, working behind the scenes with some of the UK's biggest contractors, consultants and private clients.

BIM Coordination

These dimensionally accurate models can be clash and clearance checked, allowing spatial conflicts between systems to be automatically detected and resolved.

Information Management

As part of the UK Government's BIM Level 2 mandate, the client is in accordance with the PAS1192-2:2013 standards and is required to appoint a party to undertake Information Management.

Training and Support

We can deliver custom modular training to your business and team. Our training is not just about how to operate the software but also about the BIM mindset and thinking.

BIM Consultancy

BIM.Technologies is the UK's leading BIM consultancy, working behind the scenes with some of the UK's biggest contractors, consultants and private clients.

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These dimensionally accurate models can be clash and clearance checked, allowing spatial conflicts between systems to be automatically detected and resolved.

Information Management

As part of the UK Government's BIM Level 2 mandate, the client is in accordance with the PAS1192-2:2013 standards and is required to appoint a party to undertake Information Management.

Training and Support

We can deliver custom modular training to your business and team. Our training is not just about how to operate the software but also about the BIM mindset and thinking.

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We are proud to be the UK's leading BIM consultancy.

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We create custom tools that allow our Information Managers, clients and their teams to manage the Building Information Modelling process and data. These tools are available on all projects where BIM.Technologies are appointed as BIM consultant.

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Complex Building Analysis & Simulation


COBie Production & Support

Implementation Training & Support

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Projects Delivered


Live Projects


Issues Resolved

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  • An outstanding example of collaboration, driven by coordination.

    — Mace Group
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